Monitor API

Class for working with Crimson Hexagon Monitor API.

Example usage

>>> from hexpy import HexpySession, MonitorAPI
>>> session = HexpySession.load_auth_from_file()
>>> monitor_client = MonitorAPI(session)
>>> details = monitor_client.details(monitor_id)
>>> start = details["resultsStart"]
>>> end = details["resultsEnd"]
>>> monitor_client.posts(monitor_id, start, end)



details(monitor_id: int) -> JSONDict

Return detailed metadata about the selected monitor, including category metadata.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested


audit(monitor_id: int) -> JSONDict

Return audit information about the selected monitor, sorted from most to least recent.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested


word_cloud(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, filter_string: str = None) -> JSONDict

Return an alphabetized list of the top 300 words in a monitor. This data is generated using documents randomly selected from the pool defined by the submitted parameters.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • filter_string: String, pipe-separated list of field:value pairs used to filter posts


training_posts(monitor_id: int, category: int = None) -> JSONDict

Return a list of the training posts for a given opinion monitor. The selected monitor must be an opinion monitor; requests for other monitor types will return an error. By default, all training posts for all categories in a monitor will be returned, however you may pass a category ID in your request to get training posts from a specific category.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • category: Integer, category id to target training posts from a specific category


train_monitor(monitor_id: int, category_id: int, items: TrainCollection) -> JSONDict

Upload training documents to monitor programmatically.

Upload a list documents of one category per request. Due to the restrictions involved in using this endpoint, unless you have a specific need to train monitors programmatically, training monitors via the user interface in ForSight will normally be the more efficient training option.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • category_id: Integer, the category this content should belong to
  • items: validated instance of TrainCollection model


batch_train(monitor_id: int, category_id: int, items: TrainCollection) -> JSONDict

Batch upload training documents to monitor programmatically for collection larger than 1000 posts.

Batch upload TrainCollection of single category. Due to the restrictions involved in using this endpoint, unless you have a specific need to train monitors programmatically, training monitors via the user interface in ForSight will normally be the more efficient training option.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • category_id: Integer, the category this content should belong to
  • items: validated instance of TrainCollection model


interest_affinities(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, daily: bool = False, document_source: str = None) -> JSONDict

Return information about the authors in a monitor and their affinity with a range of pre-defined topics.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • daily: Boolean, if true, results returned from this endpoint will be trended daily instead of aggregated across the selected date range
  • document_source: String, document source for affinities. valid params include TWITTER or TUMBLR


topics(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, filter_string: str = None ) -> JSONDict:

Return the XML data that can be used to generate clustering visualizations using third-party software.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • filter_string: String, pipe-separated list of field:value pairs used to filter posts


topic_waves(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return the Topic waves information for a monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • filter_string: String, pipe-separated list of field:value pairs used to filter posts


top_sources(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return volume information related to the sites and content sources (e.g. Twitter, Forums, Blogs, etc.) in a monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


image_results(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, object_type: str = "", top: int = 100) -> JSONDict

Return a breakdown of the top image classes within a provided monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • object_type: String, specifies type of image classes, valid values [object, scene, action, logo]
  • top : Integer, if defined, only the selected number of classes will be returned


volume(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, group_by: str = "DAILY") -> JSONDict

Return volume of total posts in a monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • group_by: String, specifies how the volume data over the date range will be grouped. [HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY]


dayandtime(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, aggregate_by_day: bool = False, use_local_time: bool = False) -> JSONDict

Return volume metrics for a given monitor split by date.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • aggregate_by_day: Boolean, if True, volume information will be aggregated by day of the week instead of time of day
  • use_local_time: if True, volume aggregation will use the time local to the publishing author of a post, instead of converting that time to the timezone of the selected monitor


sentiment_and_categories(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, hide_excluded: bool = False) -> JSONDict

Return aggregate volume, sentiment, emotion and opinion category analysis for a given monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • hide_excluded: Boolean, if True, categories set as hidden will not be included in category proportion calculations.


aggregate(monitor_ids: MonitorOrMonitors, dates: DateOrDates, metrics: MetricOrMetrics) -> Sequence[JSONDict]

Return aggregated results for one or monitor ids, for one or more date pairs, for one or more metrics.

Valid metrics

  • 'volume'
  • 'word_cloud'
  • 'top_sources'
  • 'interest_affinities'
  • 'sentiment_and_categories'


  • monitor_ids: Integer or list of Integers, id(s) of the monitor(s) being requested
  • dates: Tuple of Strings or list of Tuples, pair(s) of 'YYYY-MM-DD' date strings
  • metrics: String or list of Strings, metric(s) to aggregate upon


posts(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, filter_string: str = None, extend_limit: bool = False, full_contents: bool = False, geotagged: bool = False) -> JSONDict

Return post-level information (where available) and associated analysis (sentiment, emotion) for a given monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • filter_string: String, pipe-separated list of field:value pairs used to filter posts
  • extend_limit: Boolean if True increase limit of returned posts from 500 per call to 10000 per call
  • full_contents: Boolean, if True, the contents field will return the original, complete posts contents instead of truncating around search terms
  • geotagged: Boolean, if True, returns only geotagged documents matching the given filter


This collection of endpoints provide demographic volume metrics for users within a given monitor.


age(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return volume metrics for a given monitor split by age bracket.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


ethnicity(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return volume metrics for a given monitor split by ethnicity.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


gender(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return volume metrics for a given monitor split by gender.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD



cities(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, country: str) -> JSONDict

Return volume metrics for a given monitor split by city.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • country: String, country code to filter cities


states(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str, country: str) -> JSONDict

Return volume metrics for a given monitor split by state.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • country: String, country code to filter states


countries(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return volume metrics for a given monitor split by country.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


This collection of endpoints relate provide metrics specific to Twitter from either Social Account or Buzz monitors.


twitter_authors(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return information related to the Twitter authors who have posted in a given monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


twitter_metrics(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return information about the top hashtags, mentions, and retweets in a monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


twitter_followers(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return the cumulative daily follower count for a targeted Twitter account in a Twitter Social Account Monitor as of the selected dates.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


twitter_sent_posts(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return information about posts sent by the owner of a target Twitter account in a Twitter Social Account Monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


twitter_engagement(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return information about retweets, replies, and @mentions for a Twitter Social Account monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD



facebook_admin_posts(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return those posts made by the administrators/owners of a targeted Facebook page in a Facebook Social Account Monitor.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


facebook_likes(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return the cumulative daily like count for a targeted Facebook page in a Facebook Social Account Monitor as of the selected dates.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


facebook_activity(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return information about actions (likes, comments, shares) made by users and admins for a given page.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD



instagram_top_hashtags(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return the Top 50 most occurring Hashtags contained within the posts analyzed in a monitor, plus all explicitly targeted hashtags in a monitor's query, for which Metrics are being collected (i.e. for which the hashtags are being tracked explicitly in ForSight).


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


instagram_followers(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return the cumulative daily follower count for a targeted Instagram account in an Instagram Social Account Monitor as of the selected dates.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


instagram_sent_media(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return media sent by admins in a targeted Instagram account.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD


instagram_activity(monitor_id: int, start: str, end: str) -> JSONDict

Return information about actions (likes, comments) made by users and admins for a given account.


  • monitor_id: Integer, id of the monitor or monitor filter being requested
  • start: String, inclusive start date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • end: String, exclusive end date in YYYY-MM-DD
